🤖🚗 15. Making Line following Robot work
Hey, young scientist! Ready to see a cool robot in action? Follow these steps to watch the line-following robot do its magic trick – following a line all on its own!
🛤 1. Set Up the Track
- Place a black track on a light-colored floor to make sure the robot’s sensors can see the difference clearly.
🔌 2. Activate the Robot
Let’s get the robot moving:
- Make sure the battery is all hooked up.
- Switch on the power to wake up the robot.
👀 3. Observe the Sensors
- Watch how the front sensors spot the black line against the lighter floor.
📍 4. Robot Alignment
- Carefully place the robot on the track so its sensors are right over the black line.
🚗 5. Robot Movement
- The robot will start to move forward. When it hits a curve, the sensors will notice the change.
- If it starts to drift, the sensor over the black line will help correct its course.
🔧 6. Correction Mechanism
- If one sensor sees the line, it tells one wheel to slow down or the other to speed up to get the robot back on track.
➡️ 7. Continuous Movement
- The robot will keep adjusting its wheels as it follows the line, staying right on its path.
🛑 8. End of Demonstration
- Once the robot finishes the track, or if you want to stop, just turn off the power.
- Now’s a great time to talk about how the robot worked its way around the track and answer any questions.
This fun demo will show you the basics of how robots can navigate all by themselves. You just saw a real robot use its brain (sensors) and muscles (motors) to follow a path. Pretty awesome, right?