eSEHS Documents – Looking Around
In this chapter, we will Look Around the Documents Window. Following is the basic window which you get when you start the eSEHS Document. Let us understand the
various important parts of this window.
Menu Bar: The Menu bar as shown in above diagram, it start from File menu,Edit menu,View menu,Insert menu,Format menu,Tools and Help menus.
Document Name: This is the name of the document.
Typing Area: Typing area is used to type the content.
Cursor: Blinking line on the typing area is called Cursor.
Scroll Bar: A vertical or horizontal bar commonly on the far right or bottom of a window that allows you to move the window viewing area up, down, left, or right.
Share the Document: File sharing allows a number of people to use the same file.You can share the files and folders that you store in Drive with anyone. When you share from Drive, you can control whether users can edit, comment on, or only view the file.
Get Link: This is the link of a document to share with your invitees. Only invitee can access the document with this link.
Login / Logout: You can login / logout using this option.