eSEHS Documents – Toolbar
- Undo: Undo is a function performed to reverse the action of an earlier action.
- Redo: The redo function restores any actions that were previously undone using an undo.
- Format Painter: Select the text or graphic that has the formatting that you want to copy.
- click Format Painter.
- Use the cursor over a selection of text or graphics to apply the formatting.
- To stop formatting, press ESC.
- Clear Formatting: With Clear Formatting function, you can remove all the formatting on a block of selected text, or a paragraph, or the whole text.
- Zoom: A zoom operation just changes the size of the font on-screen without impacting any other attribute of the document.
- When we apply the zoom-in operation, it enlarges the size of text.
- when we apply the zoom-out operation reduces the size of text.
- Heading: The simplest way to add headings is with heading styles. Using heading styles means you can also quickly build a table of contents, reorganize your document, and reformat its design without having to manually change each heading’s text.Headings make text stand out and help people scan your document.
- Font: The word font refers to a set of printable or displayable typography or text characters in a specific style and size.
- Font Size: You can easily change the font size of your text in the document. To change font size select the text and click the increase or decrease font size buttons.
- Bold: Bold font creates the appearance of darker text by applying a thicker stroke weight to the letters.
- Italic: Italic is a style of font that slants the letters evenly to the right.
- Underlined: An underline is a section of text in a document where the words have a line running beneath them.
- Strikethrough: The strikethrough function lets writers strike out parts of their written document by drawing a line through select sections.It can be used to give a different look to your document or project which you are making.
- Font Color: Font color is how you insert colorized text, such as red, orange, green, blue and indigo, and many others.
- Font Background: The background-color property sets the background color of an element. The background of an element is the total size of the element, including padding and border (but not the margin).
- Align Horizontally: Horizontal alignment, also known as centered alignment, positions the text evenly between the margins on either side of the page. This tool also allows you to be selective with the text you align horizontally.
- Numbered List: Numbered lists document events that must happen in a certain order. Use them to describe a sequence of steps. Numbered lists are extremely useful when giving directions. Numbered lists can also document order of preference.
- Bullet List: Technical documentation is ordinarily thick with bulleted lists. A “bullet” usually looks something like symbols.Bullets make it much easier for readers to pick out the items they seek.
- Decreased Indent: The Decrease Indent button moves the paragraph one tab stop to the left.
- Increased Indent: The Increase Indent button moves the paragraph one tab stop to the right.
- Line Spacing: Line spacing determines the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph. By default, lines are single-spaced, meaning that the spacing accommodates the largest font in that line, plus a small amount of extra space.
- Table: A table is made up of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and column is called a cell. Tables are often used to organize and present information, but they have a variety of other uses as well. You can use tables to align numbers in columns, and then sort and perform calculations on them.
- Link: A link, is a reference to data that the user can follow by clicking or tapping.
- Insert Comment: A comment in a Word document is useful when needing to make note of something that requires attention or needs fixed, or provide additional information to others reading the document.